Berry Picking

The girls and I went berry picking on Sunday with some friends.  In previous years berry picking has been fun, but disappointing.  It is hard to be impressed with picking wild blueberries that are tiny and hard to find when you have been spoiled by the blueberry bounty of Washington State!  When we lived in Washington we had berry bushes that were just reaching their good production time.  Each summer when we visit we are spoiled by bushes at both my parents house and Scott's parents house that produce berries almost to excess.  So when people started talking about what a great berry year it was around here I really didn't pay attention.  Sunday though, a friend suggested we check it out and it was so beautiful that we needed to be outside, so off we went.

We had planned to do a little hike and then pick.  We got there a little bit before she and her girls arrived, so my girls and I crossed the two creeks and then got off the road into the bushes and started picking, thinking that when they got there we would take off.  We never left that little patch we started in!  The berries are indeed big and plentiful!  We had nearly a coffee can full in an hour...and that's not counting all we ate!

Afterward we headed down to the beach for a bit.  The tide was in, so there wasn't much beach and her dog rolled in a spawned out salmon, so we headed on home!  Some views along the way...
