Taming the Wind
by Tracie Peterson
This is the third book in this series 'Land of the Lone Star'. This story follows a young widow, Carissa Lowe, as she learns to trust God, herself, her heart, and a man. Her first husband was a terribly cruel man who attempted to kill her. Her life was saved by Tyler Atherton. Tyler's been away at war, but when he returns he hears that the lovely widow is living nearby. Atherton goes out of his way to befriend Carissa and her young daughter. Carissa is unsure of accepting his affections, but they both have plenty of time to think about it while Tyler is gone on a three month long cattle drive. When Tyler returns he and Carissa have to work out if they want to have a future together or not.
I found this book to be well-written. I like Tracie Peterson's style of incorporating faith into her characters. It feels natural to me. Not an afterthoughts like it often feels in Christian Novels.
Thank you to Bethany House for providing this book for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
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