
available as a free printable from here
Wow.  Powerful words, huh?

It's a busy week around here!  I have been subbing for the girls' teacher the past few days...super-fun!  Makes the days fly by, that's for sure.  Although I consider myself a pretty flexible lady, sometimes I get a little stressed when things don't go "my way".  All of a sudden the fact that I'm doing laundry at 9pm irritates me when instead I want to remind myself to be grateful that I can do laundry at all.  And I can do it right here in my own trips to the laundromat necessary.  So in the spirit of a positive outlook here are a few things I am grateful for this week:

:: my husband...always there for me.  always.
:: my amazing kiddos and their thirst for knowledge and understanding
:: heat in our building and at the school
:: quick-fixin' meals
:: cups of coffee and tea
:: good books
:: supportive and encouraging friends
:: loving and caring extended family
:: an amazing education for my kids

There's so much more, but that's a pretty good start I think!
