Snack Cards

I don't know that this is exactly considered a "craft", but I made it so I guess it might be!  Anyway...we have hit a snacking rut here.  The kiddos are hungry, but they are never quite sure what they want to eat.  What's a mama to do??  Make snack cards!

I spent a few minutes the afternoon taking pictures of all of the snack possibilities that we always have on hand, then created a Word document where I put the picture and the word for the snack together (like flashcards), printed them out, covered them with Contact Paper, punched holes in them and hung them up.  Now we have a quick reference to check when we're stumped at snacktime!

Here's hoping it helps snack time go a little more smoothly!


  1. so many things to choose from makes ?????????? what should I have today :-)


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