I know, I know! You see such lovely photos of completed craft projects on other blogs. Children modeling things in the green grass, quilts flapping gently in the breeze on a sunny day, that sort of thing. And then you come here and see this quilt, clipped to a children’s easel.
Sorry folks! That’s life in an apartment in Whittier, Alaska! It’s been fabulously sunny outside the last few days. The wind has also been blowing…30-50mph. So even if I wanted to try to take my quilt outside to drape it artfully over some part of the playground, I couldn’t. It would end up in the middle of the sound! Ah well…it’s still fun to go out…you just have to be mindful of what you bring along.
I just finished up this quilt for a friend of mine who is expecting…any day now! So we’ll package this up along with a dino pillowcase for big brother and send it off…hopefully we’ll hear soon that little brother has made his debut. And hopefully mama and baby will find this snuggly little quilt to their liking!
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