Did you know that? Now you do! Luckily for the moose at the AK Wildlife Conservation Center, Whittier carved a lot of pumpkins. Yesterday some of the school kids, teachers, and the Korbe girls loaded up into the school van and headed over to the Conservation Center to drop off our pumpkins. When you donate a whole bunch of icky pumpkins, you get free admission to the Conservation Center which is a great deal for the school. Off we went!
The animals have been moved around a bit as they work on some of the habitats over the winter. As a result the moose were where the caribou were all summer. I'd be willing to say that the moose like their new location, especially the one pictured below. From now on I'll be referring to him as 'Mr. Friendly' because he was so social yesterday! Apparently he has a history of being an atypical very social moose. So much so that back before the Conservation Center was so popular it was common for folks to pet him. They don't allow it anymore, though.
Mr. Friendly was also very camera shy! He loved following our group up and down the fence line (maybe he smelled the pumpkins in the van?) but any time we tried to get a group shot in front of him he wandered off! Finally we got the following...I think he's trying to hide behind us!
He and Kelsey walked a few laps afterward. Hopefully he had as much fun as she did!
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