10 Things About Stacy

art by Stacy
Now that you know 10 things about Kelsey and 10 things about me, here are 10 things about Stacy!
  1. She's determined. If she decides she wants something or she's going to do something, stand back. It's going to happen!
  2. She loves to play pretend. Right now it's Fisher Price Little People...she can play with the farm and the house for hours.
  3. She's good at figuring out how things work.
  4. She loves to color.
  5. Like her sister, she's a dedicated helper.
  6. At the park she'd rather be on the tire swing than anywhere else. Luckily they like to swing together!
  7. She loves to ride her trike. She'd ride it everywhere if she could!
  8. Not a hiker! Taking her on a long walk is torture for everyone. But if she could ride her bike...
  9. She's an enthusiastic, expressive storyteller. If you've ever been privy to one of her tales, you know exactly what I mean! Head cocked to one side, hands gesturing, and talking fast.
  10. She loves to be read to. She'll stop everything if you offer to read her a story.
Up next...10 things about Scott!
