A Question for YOU!

Let's try something new! Leave your answer to the following question in the comments section below! Looking forward to hearing what all of you have to say!

Question: What is your oldest possession?

I *think* my oldest possession is a little ledger-type notebook that I got from Grandma Paul. Her mother used it to record births and deaths in the front and recipes in the latter part. I'd guess it's 90+ years old.

Sooooo...what's yours??


  1. My teeth.

    Cindy :-)

    ps. . . . I also have a very old 'Grandma Hanky". Clean - now - of course!

  2. Art Deco book holders from g-ma & g-pa G.

  3. Grammie Schach's wedding hankie, probably...but I don't count it as just "mine". It's more of a family heirloom!

  4. I think my oldest possession is my set of 1939 encyclopedias, although I may have a couple of books that are older than that.

  5. My Great Gram's silver probably, or perhaps G Paul's 1924 needlecraft magazine

  6. I'd guess a couple of my grandfather's tools are late 1800s vintage. Also a couple of old silver dollars from late 1800s.


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