Cuteness of the Day

Oh goodness--my kids can be so cute! And nothing like a few days of sickies and crabbies to make the cuteness so much sweeter!

This afternoon Kelsey dictated a list to me of things I need to do when I'm taking care of her stuffed dog (named Phoebe today). Luckily I jotted it down on a scrap of paper for your enjoyment and to jog my memory as I'm sure she'll ask me for it tomorrow! Here's the list:

1. feed her lunch
2. give her a nap
3. give her a small bone to chew on
4. play with her
1. play fetch with her
2. leave her sit
3. give her a bath
4. go out and run with her

No, the numbering is not a typo...that was how it was dictated to me! :-)

Stacy had a terrific day today. She clearly was feeling much better and was much happier as a result. She chose today to complete all of the 'big girl' puzzles we own; one 9 piece puzzle and three 25 piece puzzles all by herself!! She was very proud and so was I! Her handiwork:


  1. Wow! For a kiddo who isn't even three yet, that's really an accomplishment!

  2. I'm impressed. I'd like her to come help me with some sky I need completed...

  3. Gdma moo said: Good Job Stacy. Puzzles are alot of fun. Keep up the good work

  4. Gdma moo: mom: you take good care of Kelsey's stuffed dog & follow your instructions. :-)

  5. It does take a lot of determination for a 2.5 year old to do all of those seems to be something they both enjoy doing.

    Don't worry--I followed Kelsey's list exactly. She gave Stacy a list today for taking care of her baby. What's that they say about the apple not falling far from the tree??? :-)


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